Dear Friends,
George Soros recently donated $1 million to help turn Texas blue. He and his deep-pocketed, out-of-state liberal friends think that Texas can be bought.

But this isn’t Soros’ first soiree in the Lone Star State.

Over the years, he’s given hundreds of thousands of dollars to help defeat Republican leaders and Conservative propositions.

Texas Democrats know they don’t have a chance against hardworking, passionate Texas Conservatives like you, so they’ve turned to the Washington liberal machine to try to buy, steal, and cheat their way to victory. And turning Tarrant County blue is their golden ticket to turning Texas blue, and ultimately controlling the White House, the Courts, and Congress indefinitely. 

We have to fight back. We have to lay it all on the line this November. The stakes have never been higher, and we need to be prepared to fight harder than ever before. 
I’m ready to work around the clock to guarantee a big win this November, but I can’t do it without you. We must unite together to defend our turf and send Soros and his liberal friends packing.

The election this November will be the most important election of your lifetime. Our actions, or inaction, today will set the course not just for the next few years, but for the foreseeable future.

If they are successful in turning Tarrant County blue or even just narrowing the margins, they will be relentless in their pursuit of Texas for years to come. If they smell blood in the water, they will keep coming back with more money and more infrastructure until they are successful in taking total control of the entire Lone Star State. 

The eyes of Texas are upon us. Will we fight back?

Will we fight to secure a bright Texas future not just for ourselves, but for our children and grandchildren? Will we allow out-of-state and out-of-touch Democrats to dictate Texas’ future?

Will you help me fight to keep Tarrant County AND Texas RED by donating $25, $50, $100 or more to my campaign today? With your help, we will run the most robust campaign in Tarrant County history. We will go toe-to-toe with these deep-pocketed Democrats and we will let them know that we don’t what their ideas, we don’t want their values, and we don’t want their money in Texas. 
Tim O'Hare
Republican Nominee for Tarrant County Judge
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Pol. Adv. Paid for by Tim O'Hare for Tarrant County Judge Campaign. Vince Puente, Treasurer. P.O. Box 92215, Southlake, TX 76092