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Dear Brexiteer,

In the last 48 hours of the General Election campaign, we’re not only up against the Remain parties and mainstream media. Radical Remainer campaigns are also doing all they can to beat us. They know that the best way to stop Brexit happening is to stop The Brexit Party from getting into Parliament.
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Devious groups such as ‘Led by Donkeys’, ‘Hope not Hate’ and ‘Make it Stop’ are crowdfunding against us, raising hundreds of thousands of pounds to fund anti-Brexit Party campaigns on social media. The donations page for ‘Hope not Hate’ makes clear their priority in this election: ‘we’re going to be taking on Nigel Farage and his Brexit Party, to make sure they don’t win any seats’.
Their deliberate aim is to drown out our voice on social media platforms, to stop us from getting our message across to millions of voters and our candidates into Parliament. And their anti-Brexit Party ads are getting millions of views.

We are asking for your help to fight back against the Remainer plot. We need to raise £150,000 in the next 24 hours to fund an all-out social media blitz as we near the finishing line. That will enable us to bombard voters in key seats where we have a chance of success with our simple message: ‘Leavers, don’t waste your vote! Only The Brexit Party can beat Corbyn’s Remainer Labour here’.

Don’t let the Remainer plotters get away with drowning out Brexit. Please click below to donate now!

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Thanks to your support, we have already changed British politics for good. Now I’m asking for your help with one final push to make sure our voice is heard, get Brexit Party MPs elected and get a real Brexit done. Thank you.


The Brexit Party
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