We shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to vote.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver for NM Secretary of State Logo

Here is the truth, Jack.

The amount of voter fraud found after countless audits, regular recounts, and expensive investigations is essentially zero. Still, despite no evidence to substantiate their fears, some County Commissions continue to push for changes to our elections that would benefit their party and their voters. They know their platform is unpopular, but rather than attract more voters to their coalition, they prefer to make it harder to vote.

But I won’t let that happen.

NM works better when we all have a say in our government. New Mexico is a national leader in elections because of our tireless effort to ensure voter access, transparency, and accuracy is top-notch. We still have $3,240 left to raise to reach our end-of-month goal. If you believe every New Mexican should have a voice in our government, join me today by donating $20.

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Recently, I sued Otero County for refusing to certify election results. Now, those same three commissioners have just endorsed a resolution on a 3-0 vote that pushes for changes to the state election codes.

We cannot give in to the baseless fears designed to erode our democracy. Fortunately, we have the facts and the truth on our side. I believe every person should have the opportunity to have their say in their government. And I will keep fighting to make sure all New Mexicans are heard.

Thank you,


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