Eric Lynn vs. Anna Paulina Luna; Expertise vs. Luna's Trump Fanaticism
Eric Lynn for Congress


Eric Lynn is running against an extreme-MAGA Republican named Anna Pualina Luna. There's been a lot of focus on how close of a race this is going to be, but one thing is clear: there's no competition on who the best leader for FL-13 is.

Before we break down the candidates for you, would you be willing to chip in $5 or more to make sure that the best candidate for the job wins in November? →

Eric Lynn

Anna Paulina Luna

Worked as Senior Advisor in the Obama Administration to protect this country from national security threats.

Lobbied for Donald Trump's endorsement and frequently spends time with the Trump family.

Prioritizes creating a grassroots campaign movement, with no special interest group or corporate funding.

Spends $8K+ on fundraising dinners at Mar-a-Lago and is in the pockets of GOP dark money PACs.

Advocates for progress on essential resources in our communities, including education, funding for veterans, environmental protection, and job growth.

Takes support from the gun lobby, continues to push the Big Lie, and supports discriminatory, GOP policies including banning abortions with no rape or incest exceptions!

Backs up his Democratic priorities with experience, trust from local officials, and the support of Pinellas County community members.

Touts her Extreme Republican agenda through Trump fanaticism and a lack of history in policy or getting things done.

These are the facts, Anna Paulina Luna is not qualified to be representing FL-13, and her Trumpian fanaticism is dangerous to the future of this country. Eric needs to win in November, but he can only do it with your support. Chip in $10 or more here to make sure Anna Paulina Luna and her Trump loyalty lose in November.

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Thank you for fighting against a Trump takeover, JOHN.

– Team Lynn, FL-13

Eric Lynn is a former Senior Advisor to President Obama, national security expert, small business owner, community advocate, and St. Petersburg Native who is ready to lead Pinellas County forward. Empathic, passionate, and pragmatic, Eric knows how to get the job done in Washington on day one.
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Eric Lynn for Congress
PO Box 16991
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
United States