China and the US: Whose Side Is the Administration On?
by Lawrence A. Franklin • July 28, 2022 at 5:00 am
One hopes that [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi's Taiwan visit is also intended to reassure free Asia that America will militarily defend Pacific democracies, despite the failure of the US either to deter Russia from invading Ukraine or adequately to defend it after it was invaded.
Above all, the US, must not submit to the Chinese Communist Party's threats. Pelosi should proceed to Taiwan with as large a bipartisan Congressional delegation as possible. If she bows to demands to stay away, China will be incentivized to attack Taiwan effectively the next day. Backing down at this point would only establish a pattern that all Beijing has to do to intimidate America is bark.
After America's humiliating defeat in Afghanistan and the "far too little, too late " response to Russia's aggression in Ukraine, any cancellation of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan would be seen the world over as yet another spineless US surrender.
The only question is if this administration finally has the political will to stop appearing weak, scared and permitting China to dictate US policy. The administration's record so far: it has sold oil from America's Strategic Petroleum Reserve, meant for hurricane damage and other emergencies, not only to China, but to the offshoot of a firm there in which President Biden's son, Hunter, had "invested heavily"; it has cancelled the China Initiative, thereby allowing China to continue stealing intellectual property with impunity; it has ignored China's purchase of massive amounts of American farmland and land near US military bases; it appears about to lift tariffs for China that will permit China to dictate US trade policy but only negligibly curb inflation; it is permitting China to collect genetic data from Americans citizens for potential biological warfare against the US.

China this weekend, according to reports, privately delivered a message to US national security officials reinforcing an earlier Chinese Foreign Ministry statement: if US Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi goes ahead with her planned August visit to Taiwan, it would be met with a "resolute and strong measures."
China's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian stated on July 19 that the visit "would seriously undermine Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity."
While China's threats contain unusually emphatic language, the visit comes as no surprise to China. Pelosi had scheduled a visit last April, which allegedly was postponed over COVID concerns. Her plan to go to Taiwan indicates that at least some in the US would like incrementally to depart from the "One China Policy," which claims Taiwan as part of China.