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Hi ,

There are less than two weeks to submit comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) on the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)!! Comments are due Friday, August 5, at 11:59 pm ET.

NCRC drafted three sample comment letters, including one for health care practitioners, that can be found on our #TreasureCRA page. Some of the comments have been flagged as form letters. These will still count, but we advise you to take our sample comment letters and add a few sentences or paragraphs, so your letters are unique and count more. 

I want to thank these members and allies for sending in comments (if I missed you, let me know...not all comments have been posted yet by the agencies): 

  • St. Louis Equal Housing and Community Reinvestment Alliance (SLEHCRA)
  • Come Dream. Come Build (CDCB)
  • Veteran's Center of Greater Atlanta 
  • Healthy Communities Delaware 
  • Oasis Center 
  • Brooklyn Neighborhood Association 
  • Tule River Economic Development Corporations 

Organizations working on comment letters include (and a number of these are coalitions): 

  • Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council 
  • Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund 
  • The Greenlining Institute 
  • Public Citizen 
  • Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) 
  • Child Care Aware of America 
  • Prosperity Now! 
  • Woodstock Institute 
  • California Reinvestment Coalition 
  • Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development 
  • California Housing Partnership 
  • UnidosUS 
  • Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group (PCRG) 
  • Housing Assistance Council  
  • Opportunity Finance Now 
  • Coastal Enterprises Inc.  
  • National NeighborWorks Association 
  • Georgia ACT and SCACED 
  • Poverty and Race Research Action Council 
  • National People’s Action 
  • Chicago Community Loan Fund 

So far the "pro" comments outweigh the "con" comments, but we have to keep our comments flowing! The best chance we have to make this a strong change is if community groups put up a good showing and send in comment letters! 

Happy commenting!

Josh Silver

Senior Policy Advisor
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