"668,000 will lose food-stamp benefits under new work rules"

Hundreds of thousands of Americans who rely on the federal food stamp program will lose their benefits under a new Trump administration rule that will tighten work requirements for recipients.
- The Associated Press, 12/04/19

Add your name to demand the Trump administration stop their attacks on SNAP.


The Trump administration recently announced massive cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Hundreds of thousands of families, including 75,000 people in Washington state, who rely on SNAP benefits will see cuts, with thousands more dropped from the program altogether.

Especially with the holidays right around the corner, many families will struggle to put food on the table. We should be offering a helping hand to those who need it the most, not turning our backs on them.

The fact is, one in nine working families in the 8th district relies on food stamps to make ends meet. And, the overwhelming majority of people who get SNAP benefits already work. The ones who don't are typically either part-time workers, seasonal workers, or not truly "able-bodied" for a variety of reasons. These requirements don't help people get jobs, they just leave people hungry.

But that's not all-- as a result of these changes, one MILLION children will also no longer receive free school lunches. This is cruel, shortsighted, and unacceptable.

If you're with me, add your name to demand the Trump administration stop these cuts to SNAP.

Here in Washington state, nearly one million people rely on food assistance to help them get by. This program has helped keep families out of poverty, and the effects of the cuts will be devastating.

John, we can't allow these cruel attacks on our food assistance programs to stand. We must fight back against the Trump administration's immoral policy to make sure no family goes hungry.

Add your name and join me in telling the Trump administration to stop their cuts to SNAP.


Dr. Kim Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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