Congressional leadership has given up on a $3.5 trillion (or was it $5.5T?) “Build Back Better” spending bill and whittled...
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July 27, 2022 • Weekly Newsletter
Here’s What’s Wrong With BBB Lite ([link removed])
John C. Goodman (Forbes)
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Congressional leadership has given up on a $3.5 trillion (or was it $5.5T?) “Build Back Better” spending bill and whittled it down to a much less expensive alternative. But is it that much better? READ MORE » ([link removed])
The Terrible 10A Century of Economic Folly ([link removed])
By Burton A. Abrams
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The U.S. Is Serving Up Pork to Semiconductor Manufacturers ([link removed])
Benjamin Powell (The Hill)
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The Senate recently passed a $52 billion subsidy for U.S. semiconductor manufacturers. But there is nothing special about the semiconductor industry that justified subsidies. The bill was just wasteful pork-barrel politics as usual. No wonder it had bipartisan support on Capitol Hill. READ MORE » ([link removed])
The Road to Crony Capitalism: An Introduction ([link removed])
The Independent Review, Winter 2018/19
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Sanctions Are Hurting the West More Than Russia ([link removed])
Álvaro Vargas Llosa (National Interest)
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Russia may have paid a heavy military price for its invasion of Ukraine, but things look different on the economic front. In the first three months of the war alone, Moscow earned $100 billion in revenue from sales of fossil fuels. Sanctions-wielding Western countries, with winter coming, continue to see their economies crater. Putin has no incentive to end his war anytime time soon.... READ MORE » ([link removed])
Lessons from the PoorTriumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit ([link removed])
Edited by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
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Supreme Court Usefully Points Out Erosion of Founders’ Vision of the Constitution ([link removed])
Ivan Eland (Real Clear Policy)
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The blockbuster Supreme Court cases on abortion, guns, religion, and climate change have now capped the Court’s session. A common theme? Legislatures, not courts, should legislate. The Framers would be proud. READ MORE » ([link removed])
The Right to Bear ArmsA Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class? ([link removed])
By Stephen P. Halbrook
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The Latest from The Beacon
* The Black Phone’s Christian Themes ([link removed]) , by Samuel R. Staley
* Entry Barriers: A Personal Disappreciation ([link removed]) , by Caleb S. Fuller
* No Demise for Failed, Wasteful Federal Department of Education ([link removed]) , by K. Lloyd Billingsley
* The Return of Carlos Rangel ([link removed]) , by Alvaro Vargas Llosa
The Latest from Catalyst
* Who Really Needs a Definition of Recession? ([link removed]) , by Peter Jacobsen
* What San Francisco Restaurant Laws Say About Progressivism ([link removed]) , by Scott Beyer
* First Time Gun Ownership Continues To Soar ([link removed]) , by Brady Leonard
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