Democrats are on the verge of lowering prescription drug prices. But Republicans are working hand in hand with Big Pharma to try to block the bill and keep drug prices high.
Republicans are bragging about using arcane Senate rules to try and kill the bill. To stop them, we need to ensure zero corporate Democrats defect in the 11th hour.
Sign now: Tell Democrats to stand united against Republicans and Big Pharma by passing their bill to lower prescription drug prices!
More than one-third of the average Social Security check is already consumed by medical costs, with medication being the biggest chunk. Every new round of Big Pharma price gouging is a de facto cut to Social Security benefits. This is our chance to stop it.
Big Pharma is spending massive amounts of money to keep drug prices high. Together, let’s ensure that our voices drown out the relentless attack from Big Pharma’s lobbyists.
Tell Democrats: Stand united to lower prescription drug prices now!
This is a moment when members of Congress need to hear from millions of Americans, reminding them that they work for us — and that we demand lower drug prices!
In solidarity,
Alex Lawson Social Security Works