The journey to justice is long. For over 40 years, the Race Forward community has worked diligently to build strong bridges and new pathways on the quest to a just, multi-racial democracy. Being a home for the movement means that we’ve built the foundation of a vision for the future where racial justice can be reflected in our policies, institutions, and culture. It’s the place where we convene, heal, analyze, collaborate, and strategize. It’s an ever-growing place where our tables grow longer and new doors open each day.
When you peer into our windows you find that Race Forward is home to:
- decades of original research on pressing racial justice issues
- interactive trainings and events for individual and collaborative skill building
- narrative strategies that are advancing racial justice frameworks in cultural and policy areas of immigration, abolition, and honest public education
- federal strategies that are transforming our democracy to better serve all people
- a national network of public sector changemakers committed to creating a racially just and equitable government