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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer introduced a bill just now that would legalize and commercialize marijuana nationwide.

Dear friend,
As you may have heard, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer unveiled his bill to legalize marijuana at the federal level just now.
This bill, the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, is nothing more than an immense giveaway for Big Pot and contains zero of the necessary public health guardrails that are needed to protect public health and safety. 
As it stands, the bill also contains no serious provision that would prevent the marijuana industry from being taken over by large, multi-national organizations, such as the corporate giants who make up Big Tobacco and Big Alcohol — who are already taking steps to corner the marijuana market. 
Take action against this bill now with a quick message to your senators by clicking here. 
Tell them that with a slew of recent data showing dramatic increases in youth use of high potency marijuana products, rising rates of marijuana-impaired driving, and the myriad harms today’s pot can have on mental health, we cannot afford a federal expansion of Big Pot. 
After you’ve sent your message, please consider chipping in a donation. The pockets of Big Pot run deep, and it’s up to supporters such as yourself to keep our fight going.

Thank you for all that you do,
Dr. Kevin Sabet
President & Co-Founder
Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action (SAM Action)

D.A.R.E. America
P.O. Box 512090
Los Angeles, CA 90051-0090
Phone: 800.223.DARE or 310.215.0575
Fax: 310.215.0180
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