For decades, Republicans have invested down-ballot to secure power in state legislatures across America. This has enabled them to gerrymander, suppress votes, and enact anti-democratic policies that turn back progress. And now, with a gridlocked Congress and an activist Supreme Court, the Republican play to control state legislatures is causing more damage than ever.
State legislative races are often won or lost by just a few hundred votes. With a relatively small investment -- especially compared to the cost of Federal races -- an additional staffer can be the difference maker.
In 2021, we piloted the Staff Fellowship in Virginia and almost half of our races won despite a challenging electoral environment. We know this strategy works, so now we’re scaling for 2022.
If we invest today, we have a real chance at flipping these critical state legislatures and strengthening our democracy. Together we can help these campaigns level up and win.
Chip in today to help us place more Arena-trained staffers on critical state leg races.
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