Big News Coming Soon!

Dear Allies,
We’re eager to share a few updates with you this week including information on the soon-to-be-announced final public charge rule, an exciting redesign of our website, and an important conversation we had regarding the impact of the LIFT the BAR ACT.  Keep reading to learn more.
As a reminder, please sign up for our new CRM as soon as possible to make sure you continue to receive our emails! We will be transitioning over to this new list in the next few weeks, so please take a moment to re-register your membership at our new CRM now.

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Coming Soon: Final Public Charge Rule

It’s not time to celebrate yet, but we’re getting excited because the Biden administration has committed to finalizing new public charge regulations before the end of August. The issuance of new public charge regulations is a huge win for PIF partners who have fought for years for a more inclusive, less dangerous public charge policy.

The publication of a Biden public charge final rule is also an opportunity to get critical information to immigrant families. PIF’s rapid response plan includes media, digital, and partner engagement elements, informed by input from the coalition’s working groups. We may have a few days’ notice before the regulation is finalized. We’ll keep you in the loop and welcome questions anytime. Meanwhile, here are three things you can do to prepare:

  1. Sign up for a PIF working group. From the regulatory analysis to the social media samples, most of our rapid response is developed and implemented through our working groups, so if you haven’t yet done so, joining the ones that interest you is the best way to stay in the loop.
  2. Help your network get ready. A heads-up to your network of partner organizations and public officials will help them to prepare for the release of the final regulation.
  3. Update your press list. News media can be an effective way to reach immigrant families. PIF will share pitches, statements, and other media outreach samples once we know what’s in the final regulation, but you can take this opportunity to make sure your press list is ready when the time comes.

Exciting Website Update 

We are so excited to share that our new website has just launched! The new site features an easier way to find relevant resources, clear ways to support immigrants’ access to benefits, and a list of all of our partners. 

Take a Look

Stay in Touch: New Twitter Account and Tweet Chat

Last week, we partnered with MomsRising for a Twitter tweetchat to generate awareness of and support for the LIFT the BAR Act. We discussed different ways to improve immigrant families' access to the health and social services safety net and the general importance of the LIFT the BAR Act. Did you miss the conversation? Follow our Twitter here. Special thanks to Senator Hirono, who joined in on the chat!

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In Solidarity,

Adriana Cadena & Cheasty Anderson, on behalf of the PIF Team

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