For Immediate Release
July 27, 2022 Contact: Elizabeth Goodsitt/Jennifer Miller 608-266-1683
Gov. Evers, DHS Announce $2.5 Million in Telehealth Grants for Behavioral Health Providers
?Neighborhood access stations to help remove barriers to care
Gov. Tony Evers and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) today awarded more than $2.5 million to 27 providers for community behavioral health services that will provide access to mental health and substance use treatment and recovery supports through telehealth. Grantees will use this one-time funding from the American Rescue Plan Act to expand access to these important services by removing location and technology barriers to care. Private behavioral health telehealth stations with the tools needed for virtual appointments will be set up in central locations for people who may be struggling to access the services they need. This includes community centers, food pantries, homeless shelters, libraries, long-term care facilities, and schools. ? ? "Every Wisconsinite should have access to quality, affordable health care they need when they need it, and that includes behavioral and mental health services,? said Gov. Evers. ?These grants will help ensure more folks can meet with a provider no matter where they live, closing gaps in services and building a behavioral health system that works for everyone at a time when treatment and recovery supports for mental health and substance use are more important than ever.??
View the entire news release.