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Dear Friend,
We’d like to tell anti-abortion politicians, don’t try to sell us even more lemons!! We don’t want (or need!) weak policies wrapped up in language to make them seem like they’re good for families (but are in fact harmful) as an empty “consolation prize” for losing our abortion rights. Nope. Not okay.
What’s happening?
In the wake of the fall of Roe v. Wade, some politicians have had the audacity to suggest that we don’t need access to abortion care if we have better policies in place to support families. That’s bogus, insulting, and wrong. We need both. [1]
To make matters worse, many of these same anti-abortion politicians are trying to push a scheme that would require new parents to borrow against their future retirement security to fund parental leave. That is not paid leave, it provides neither pay, nor leave from work, it harms future retirement security and it doesn’t help our economy. It’s a lemon of a policy, and we’re not buying it.
→ Tell Congress: No lemons. We demand real paid leave for working families.
So we can all get on the same page here, a GOOD paid leave policy does the following:
☑ Good paid leave means you can be there to bond with your child when they first open their eyes and be by the side of your elder loved ones when they take their last breath.
☑ Good paid leave benefits our economy and helps keep people in the jobs they need so they can care for the families they love without jeopardizing their economic security.
→ Tell Congress: No lemons. We demand real paid leave for working families.
Paid leave is a critical benefit and we can spot a good paid leave policy a mile off:
☑ Good paid leave policies don’t leave anyone out and support all working families.
☑ Good paid leave means families have the right to make beneficial choices for themselves, their families AND their bodies.
→ Tell Congress: No lemons. We demand real paid leave for working families.
Signs of bad paid leave policies are hard to ignore. There are gaps, it *may* look shiny on the outside but there are major flaws under the hood. Here’s how to spot a lemon paid leave bill:
🅇 Does not provide *paid* time away from work - forcing workers to choose between a paycheck or being there for their family when it matters the most.
🅇 Undercuts Social Security benefits.
🅇 Restrictive, regressive and doesn't provide coverage to all workers who need to take paid time off to care.
We know a lemon when we see one and we also know that elected leaders who put forth fake paid leave proposals are out of touch with what moms and families need (looking at you Senator Rubio). These are NOT real paid leave proposals and we’re not buying what you’re selling.
→ Tell Congress: No lemons. We demand real paid leave for working families.
Moms and families deserve real paid leave policies that are helpful not harmful, they deserve policies that do not take away their autonomy and personal liberties. They deserve the right to choose when and if they want to become parents. This is the investment that members of Congress should be striving to achieve.
Thanks for your support,
- Namatie, Ruth, Kristin, and the whole MomsRising.org & MamásConPoder Team
P.S. – Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand how public policies impact families so they can move change. We want to hear more from YOU! Can you take a second and follow the link below to share your personal story about how having, or NOT having, access to job-protected paid leave or affordable, quality child care has impacted your family in the pandemic? https://action.momsrising.org/sign/PaidTimeOff
P.P.S. – We’re partnering with @WomensMarch, @BlackFeministFuture, Planned Parenthood Action Fund @ppact, @NationalNOW, National Women’s Law Center, and @weareUltraViolet for the Women’s Convention, Aug 12-14 in Houston, Texas. Get your Early Bird Tickets! https://bit.ly/WomensConvention22Tix #WomensConvention22
[1] How feasible are Republicans’ ‘pro-family’ plans in wake of new abortion restrictions?
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