Back to school season is approaching and our education system is at the forefront of people's minds, including many teachers and parents. Now is the time to fight for education funding to follow students to the education option that best meets their needs, for teachers to work in an environment that doesn't pressure them to teach a radical curriculum, and for a transparent educational system.

At IWF, we support a wide array of school choice options that increase parents’ leverage – including scholarships, charter schools, homeschooling, microschools, and education savings accounts. 


"There is nothing that I have to do to become female. I simply am. I can dress whatever way I want. I can cut my hair off, grow it long, I can change my clothes. I am still female."
— Jeannette Cooper, a Chicago mother who lost custody of her daughter for insisting she's a girl


A Mother’s Journey Though the Upside Down World of College Swimming

Very recently, Kim Jones watched her broad shouldered, 6-foot-tall daughter line up next to a male who dwarfed her in height and breadth. She watched her valiantly race in a contest utterly devoid of fairness or integrity. She watched her climb out of a pool where she swam faster than every other female competitor only to be surrounded by consoling voices as she took second place to a male. Those voices didn’t alleviate the sting. Every woman in the building had to witness the effects of the directive from Robin Harris of the Ivy League and Mark Emmert of the NCAA — that women do not deserve fair competition and fair treatment. Read more.


Transgender ‘Bill of Rights’ Would Erase Women

More than 80 House Democrats recently introduced a resolution they call the Trans Bill of Rights. The authors claim it will ensure that transgender and nonbinary people are, as a lead sponsor Rep. Marie Newman put it, “free to live as their authentic self.” In practice, the Trans Bill of Rights guts protections and programs for biological women. Every American must now decide: do I support this vision of trans rights, or do I stand for women’s rights? It is impossible to support both because they are in direct conflict. Read more.


Conservation Starter: Can Empathy Be Taught?

Parents across the country are tackling tough topics every day, and believe it or not, the teaching of “empathy” is on that list. We need to protect our children from having something called “empathy” used as a weapon to discourage personal boundaries and agency and encourage conformity.

If you have kids in school, you need to read this! Activate your Free Pass membership and start tackling these tough topics.  


The Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve System (the Fed) was created by Congress to promote strong employment and ensure that prices remain relatively stable — not rising or falling too fast.

Can you identify which of the following statements is not true? 

A. The Fed increasing the supply of money circulating in the economy raises inflation.
B. The Fed has no impact on inflation, instead it is Congress, the White House, and other economic factors.
C. The Fed increasing interest rates to fight inflation could cause the economy to contract and accelerate a recession.

She Thinks Podcast

  • New Episode: Don’t miss Adam Brandon, president of FreedomWorks, who joined the program to discuss the American dream and whether it is still achievable. Listen here.
Listen on your favorite podcast app: 
  • Next Episode: This week, Carrie Lukas, president of Independent Women's Forum, joins the show to discuss how parents — not the government — should be in control of child care. Hear it here.


Deregulating Telehealth Means Greater Healthcare Accessibility

Whether we like it or not, the pandemic nudged our techno-centric society even further towards virtual social interactions and services. Today, virtual doctor appointments are the norm. A recent AARP survey found that the percent of adults 50 and older who used telehealth jumped 30 points from March 2020 to March 2022.

Tennessee Court Rescues Long-Awaited ESA Program

For families in Nashville and Memphis, the upcoming school year just got a whole lot more exciting. Just last week, the Tennessee Supreme Court lifted an injunction on the state’s pilot Education Savings Account program, a school choice initiative that will allow 5,000 Tennessee children to exercise their right to school choice.
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