From Maria De La Cruz <>
Subject A note to say farewell and thank you
Date July 27, 2022 2:00 PM
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Dear John,
As this chapter in my life comes to a close, I have been reflecting on my path to Headwaters and my work over the past 8 years. I am filled with mixed emotions of joy, sadness, and gratitude. So, as I transition out of my role as President, I want to share some of my reflections and lessons learned with you&mdash;friends, colleagues, and supporters who make up this beloved community.&nbsp; &nbsp;
You can find my reflections, lessons learned and letter of gratitude to community in
the final installment of the Tributaries series, on our website.<[link removed]> I hope you&rsquo;ll spend time with it today and feel the profound impact the Headwaters community has had on my time as President.
Click here to read.<[link removed]>&nbsp;
And please be on the lookout in the coming weeks for information about my goodbye celebration in early September, hosted by Headwaters. I&nbsp;hope you&rsquo;ll save the date and join us. &nbsp;
For 38 years, Headwaters&nbsp;has relied on our incredible network of people across the state of Minnesota and beyond to make Headwaters a strong and grounded social justice community foundation. Over the past 8 years you shaped who I am and how we do our work. I am grateful for all that we have learned and achieved together. It is people like you&mdash;grantees, donors, volunteers, and friends&mdash;who make me believe that our collective liberation is possible. Thank you.&nbsp;&nbsp;
In my October 2021&nbsp;Tributaries&nbsp;post&nbsp;I wrote:&nbsp;&ldquo;I believe that shifting culture is necessary for systems change. Rest results in strength. Healing creates energy. Joy sparks creativity. Connection creates community. Dreaming leads to transformation. This is where the potential lies.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;
As I step out of my role as President and into the role of community member, I take those words with me as a reminder of what is possible in this next phase of my life and in this next phase of Headwaters. Thank you for being on this journey with me.&nbsp;&nbsp;
With deep gratitude,&nbsp;
Maria De La Cruz&nbsp;

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2801 21st Ave S, Ste 132B | Minneapolis, MN 55407

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