Hi John,
Imagine if you met Donald Trump on your high street handing out boxes of chlorinated chicken and pesticide contaminated baby food - all with festive Christmas cheer!
Activists from the office went out with our ‘Trump selection’ boxes this morning to do just that, highlighting the dangers of a trade deal with Trump’s America. See what happened:
In case you missed my earlier email, below, ‘Trump selection’ is our new action with scary, spoof products that you can use in your local supermarket to raise awareness of the dangers of the toxic deal with Trump.
A US-UK trade deal would be used to drive through a corporate agenda to lower standards. We know from the leaked documents of the trade talks so far that they have already been discussing how to sell the idea of chlorinated chicken to the UK public. We need to speak out against this.
Join activists across the country and order your Trump in Your Trolley pack today.
Thank you for your support,
Oriana Lauria
Campaigner at Global Justice Now
Hi John,
Donald Trump is coming to the UK tomorrow, and he’s certainly not in for a warm welcome. Leaked documents from secret trade negotiations between the US and Britain were all over the news last week and the UK public was not pleased to hear that our NHS, food standards and environmental protections could be on the table in a US trade deal.
So here at Global Justice Now we thought we’d make Trump’s stay a little more unpleasant and spread the news about this toxic trade deal even further by using what he values the most: his brand name.
Say hello to the ‘Trump selection’, a brand-new range of products that looks as scary as it sounds: freshly chlorinated chicken grown in dirty conditions by underpaid farmers in the US, and pesticide-filled baby food with traces of arsenic and limitless sugar to help your child grow stronger.
In the coming weeks, join activists taking action locally across the country. We've just released a new action pack that you can use in your local supermarket to raise awareness of the dangers of the toxic deal with Trump.
Our ‘Trump Selection’ is just a spoof but, sadly, it’s not too far off from reality. This is a preview of what we could see on our supermarket shelves after our government signs a trade deal with the US.
Secret talks have already started between the US and the UK, and the leaked documents brought to light last week show exactly what the US wants out of a trade deal: lower food standards and consumer protection, higher drug prices, market access to our public services (including our NHS) and more power to corporations.
But we can stop this, and your help over the next few weeks is going to be crucial.
Join activists across the country taking action against a toxic trade deal with Trump.
Thank you for everything you do.
Oriana Lauria
Campaigner at Global Justice Now
PS: help us spread the word about our Trump Selection and the fight against a toxic deal with the US by sharing our new Trump in Your Trolley website:

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