In honor of all the vulnerable animals like me in danger this holiday season, will you join Farm Sanctuary today?
Dear John,
While my friends at Farm Sanctuary met me as Max Lamb some eight months ago, I write to you today as Ambassador Lamb—but more on that later.
John, it wasn’t always a given that I would live this long. When rescuers found me by the side of the road—just days after my birth—I was all alone. No mama, no siblings, and really no memory of what happened.
I spent my first couple of weeks of life at a rescue shelter, where loving staff fed and cuddled me through my mandatory holding period. At three weeks old, I finally arrived at Farm Sanctuary—my forever home.
Not all abused and abandoned farm animals are as lucky as I was. Lambs like me, along with cows, chickens, horses, and other animals suffering life-threatening cruelty or neglect are relying on Farm Sanctuary to survive. And Farm Sanctuary is relying on your generosity to help every animal in need of rescue.
In honor of all the vulnerable animals like me in danger this holiday season, will you join Farm Sanctuary today? Take it from me—your gift will save lives.
John, when I first arrived at Farm Sanctuary, it was like a scene out of a Hallmark movie. I got my own room in the main shelter office, with a soft bed and cuddly stuffed animals to keep me company until I was big and strong enough to join the other lambs.
You see, the staff at Farm Sanctuary are experts in their fields. They knew that while I was healthy, sturdy, and SO lonely for other animals like me, I was much too small to be integrated into the rest of the flock—I could be easily hurt by the older and larger sheep.
This is why, if you love animals, your gift to Farm Sanctuary is such a sound investment. Your gift won’t just spare a sick or neglected farm animal a day of pain—it will help create a life of comfort and peace for the rest of that animal’s days.
Please, join Farm Sanctuary today. Help us make sure that more farm animals like me can live happy, healthy lives in their care.
Don’t worry, I wasn’t lonely for long. After I built up my strength, I joined the rest of the flock. These days I spend hours romping with friends like sheep twins Maple and Josie, along with Shawn and Phry.
Because of the truly lifesaving difference Farm Sanctuary made in my life, I now serve as an ambassador for the millions of lambs and sheep slaughtered each year within the wool, meat, and dairy industries. While some farmer or rancher saw me as disposable, Farm Sanctuary saw me as a priceless individual. That’s the philosophy you’ll support with your gift to Farm Sanctuary—please join today.
Thanks for all you're doing to help Farm Sanctuary rescue and care for farm animals like me. I’m so grateful to know people like you are out there, fighting for the love, dignity, and care we all deserve.
Max Lamb
Ambassador, Farm Sanctuary
P.S. Farm Sanctuary counts on friends like you to be the first line of protection for farm animals. If you see a farm animal like me in danger or distress, or believe that farm animal cruelty is occurring, please contact Farm Sanctuary right away at (607) 583-2225. Your call can save an animal’s life. Your generous donation can, too! Please join Farm Sanctuary now.

Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225
Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.
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