Dear friend,
Today is Human Rights Day. I'm writing to ask that you give a gift to FAMM with that in mind. We're fighting to create a justice system that treats people who are incarcerated with dignity, but we can't do it alone.
Every day we get phone calls from people whose loved ones are in prison. You can't imagine some of the things we hear about: people locked up in solitary cells for months, even years, at a time, violence by corrections staff, dangerous living conditions, prisoners growing sick and dying due to neglect. No one deserves to suffer like this — regardless of what they did to wind up in prison or jail.
Ninety-four percent of people in prison will eventually rejoin society — and it's in our interest to build them up for successful reentry. We need prison reform and independent oversight to do that.
If you agree, please give a gift to FAMM. Let's show prisoners everywhere that their dignity matters, too.

Kevin Ring President, FAMM
P.S. If you give today, your gift of any amount will be DOUBLED. Please make a contribution so we can continue to take a stand for people who are incarcerated throughout the country.