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My Fellow Patriot,

In Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie 2,000 Mules he uncovers how Mules stole the election from President Trump.

It is a great film and totally accurate! But Dinesh forgot one mule, and that’s my opponent Donald McEachin.

You may never have heard of him, but he seems to think election integrity is a joke and that we need to move forward. No thank you, the stolen 2020 election was one of the biggest events of our lifetime and we must keep bringing it up every chance possible.

I know and understand that election integrity is the critical issue of our time.

The left and RINOS want us to stop talking about the stolen election so they can do it again! We all know if we don’t have fair elections, we don’t have a country.

Election integrity is the single most important issue facing America today. It is a FACT that the election was STOLEN from our rightful President Donald J. Trump.

But as usual the weak GOP has let the country down and allowed globalist and mules to steal the election.


Unlike them, I HAVE YOU! Chip in NOW- $25, $50, $100!


This stolen election has severe consequences. Because of the stolen election we have an illegitimate President who has destroyed America. We have record high gas and food prices. Plus, we just sent 40 billion to Ukraine when we have homeless veterans on the streets of America!

Creepy Joe Biden was ONLY allowed to take office because weak RINOs let it happen. My opponent is SO WEAK on election integrity that he’s basically a mule. Sending him to congress is like giving Nancy Pelosi this important congressional seat.

This midterm is the most important of our lifetime, and if we don’t elect strong pro Trump Patriots focused on election integrity, 2022 could be the last election in American history.

It’s easy to get discouraged in dark times like this, but the good news is Patriots around the country are rallying around my grassroots campaign!

Every metric from social media, to polling shows my campaign is doing well and we are resonating with people across the country. When I get to Congress, I’ll be the number one fighter for fixing our broken election system and will be an ULTRA MAGA Pro Trump congressman 100% of the time with ZERO COMPROMISE.

My opponent may have globalist billionaires supporting them, but I HAVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SUPPORTING ME. Only with your help can we carry out President Trump’s vision and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. I need you and I need you today! Let's win this together! Donate below!I



My name is Leon Benjamin, and I’m running for Congress as a Conservative Republican… because I’m sick of what the far Left has done to my community and to American families. I’m a husband, father, and pastor. I owe it to my congregation and my family to build a better future. These days we need to fight for them even to have a future.


Help me beat the special interests, the Soros money, and WIN- $50, $150, $250!


I didn't serve this country to see it burned to the ground by BLM anarchists or tassel loafer-wearing government bureaucrats. I served to defend our constitution. Defend our liberties. Defend our people, or die trying.




I’m a Navy Combat Veteran, Small Business Owner, and Senior Pastor and Bishop at my church. I even helped create President Trump’s Faith-Based Initiative back in 2016.


My opponent is a radical leftist who’s voted to strip law-abiding Americans, voted for the election overthrow HR-1, gun control, socialism, mass amnesty, and so much more. His actions to trample our constitution, destroy American values and suppress We The People’s voice is unacceptable.  



I appreciate your support; my team said I need to come up with $15,000 by the end of this month to help secure our media and radio slots to win the general. 












God bless you, your families, and God bless America. The country we know, love, and must protect. 


Your Friend in Christ,

Leon Benjamin


Paid for by Friends of Leon Benjamin 

Our mailing address is:
7330 Staples Mill Rd., Box 312
Richmond, VA 23228

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