I want to make the case why I belong on the debate stage next week.


As the only senator in this race who goes home to a low-income Black and Brown neighborhood, I feel compelled to speak out about the specific issues that plague communities like mine and so many others across our country.

That’s why in the last debate, I made it a point to talk about the challenges of affordable housing and gentrification -- issues facing millions of Americans that have received far too little attention during this election.

If you want to keep hearing about these issues, I hope you’ll chip in and help send me back to the debate stage next week.

In past debates, I spoke about my plans to ensure reproductive justice for all and how we’ll end child poverty and strengthen union rights. I’ve also brought the need for serious criminal justice reform and ending the era of mass incarceration to the debate stage -- an issue that many of my opponents haven’t seen firsthand.

And I’ve brought attention to the epidemic of violence facing trans women of color, and how we should hold pharmaceutical manufacturers accountable for the opioid crisis that is ravaging our communities.

These issues have not received the coverage they deserve in this primary. If I’m back on that stage, I will keep speaking out and bringing them to the forefront of the national conversation.

That is why I’m asking if you can contribute right now to make sure my voice is on the next debate stage.

I’m going to keep using my platform the best way that I can -- to advocate for justice for all.



Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

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