As you know, being a leader means taking a stand for what’s right even when the powerful are arrayed against you.
And there is no doubt the powerful are arrayed against me…
President Joe Biden is coming after me.
The full might of the Democrat Party is out to get me.
And Left-wing Democrat collaborators in Big Tech, Leftist media, and woke corporations are doing all they can to smear, censor, and destroy me personally and politically.
Florida Democrats, aligned with the dishonest corporate media and woke Hollywood Leftists, have ginned up phony hysteria to attack the Parental Rights in Education bill I signed into law. Even “family-friendly” companies are echoing the Democrats’ shameless propaganda.
The new law sensibly protects kindergarten through third graders against being indoctrinated with transgenderism and PG-13 rated lessons about sexuality. Either the Democrats and their corporate Left-wing allies are ignorant about the contents of the law because they didn’t bother reading the legislation and are only interested in spewing false talking points to smear me, OR they know full-well what’s in the bill and they truly believe five-year-olds should be taught gender identity curriculum… in their kindergarten classrooms!
I will always fight back and do what’s best by standing for parents’ rights and protecting children here in Florida.
That’s why everyone from Hollywood to the Democrat National Committee is coming after me.
John, I’m reaching out to you today because without your help, the ridiculously false narratives they have been spreading about me will impact my re-election campaign.
To fight back against the full might of Biden’s Democrat Party and their powerful Big Tech, Leftist media, and woke corporation collaborators, I must raise $3.6 million in the next 30 days.
To raise the full $3.6 million we’ve budgeted over the next 30 days, I simply have no choice but to turn to my supporters like you.
The Washington Times article I mentioned spells out just how determined the Democrats are to remove me from office.
“The Sun-Sentinel reported that Mr. DeSantis appears… as the top GOP villain…”
And why have I become the “top villain” to the Democrats?
They’re upset because I called out the Left-wing Democrats by saying they need to get out of their bubble and actually talk to parents like I have.
The overwhelming majority of parents don’t want this stuff in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, or third grade.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that parents want to send their children to kindergarten to be educated without being exposed to sexualized curriculum.
We just want kids to be kids – not lab rats for woke social engineering.
The Hollywood elite disagree. That’s why Democrats are trying to shut me up and shut us down.
John, this brings me back to why I write to you today.
Florida is setting an unapologetic pro-freedom, pro-parental rights, child-focused example in education for other states to follow.
And Democrats can’t stand it!
NBC News went so far as to quote a Tallahassee insider saying: “DeSantis is just a different animal, and no one around here really knows how to deal with him because they know they’re going to get run over.”
John, I hope you will stand with me once again today.
We already know it’s going to be a brutal campaign, just like it was four years ago in 2018 when:
My race for Governor was decided by 32,463 votes, less than 0.5% of over 8 million votes cast!
My Democrat opponent raised and spent a staggering $52.5 million to beat me. And those were pre-Bidenflation dollars.
It’s much higher now! The Democrats and the radical Left just can’t stomach a Governor who challenges them in anything they do.
From opposing harmful lockdowns to opposing their attempts to indoctrinate kindergartners on sexuality, I continue to earn their ire.
And finally, let’s not forget how radical Democrats are allowing men to compete in WOMEN’S sports.
The fraud the NCAA is perpetuating on the American public is an absolute disgrace.
That’s why I issued a proclamation declaring the Sarasota native and female college swimmer as the “rightful winner” of the NCAA 500-meter freestyle – NOT the male swimmer from Penn.
Because here in Florida, science and facts matter.
I will not stand by and allow Leftists ideology to put wokeness ahead of fairness, indoctrination ahead of education, and hormone suppression ahead of biology.
In Florida, as long as I’m Governor, fair play in competition and fundamentals in education will remain intact.
These are just some of the reasons I have become the TOP TARGET of Joe Biden, national Democrats, and the woke corporate giants.
I’ll be the Left’s favorite punching bag through Election Day.
I’ll never back down. But I do need your help to win.
Florida leads the way for the nation. That has been the case for the last two years. In fact, Florida has become…
First under attack. First blamed. First lied about.
Joe Biden knows my successful re-election as Governor of Florida will be yet another example of failure for the extremist Democrats! So please, renew your support today. I need it.
For Florida,
Ron DeSantis
P.S. Please read the linked Washington Times article entitled “Florida Democrats rally against Gov. DeSantis over parental rights legislation” and you will see why I need your help right away.
To fight back against the full might of Joe Biden’s Democrat Party and their powerful collaborators in Big Tech, Leftist media, and woke corporations, I simply must raise $3.6 million in the next 30 days.
That’s why I hope you will stand with me again today by supporting my re-election campaign.