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Dear Subscriber,

Jarrett Murphy here, Executive Editor at City Limits. I’m guessing, based on the fact that you're a City Limits reader, that you care about journalism like ours—reporting that holds the powerful accountable and tells local, underreported stories. We care about it, too, and that’s why I’m writing—with a big ask.

We have the rare opportunity with NewsMatch to make your donation go even further; from now until December 31, your support of City Limits will be matched up to $1,000 per donation. 

Just think of the impact that could have—not just in our newsroom, but in our community. Take our recent series “Making the Match: Public Financing in the State of New York.” As New York State considered how to design a system for matching private campaign contributions with public money, we dove into the details of the problem and the possible solution. Now that the proposal has been released, our report gives readers a guide to evaluating whether the plan represents real progress, or cynical distraction. This is investigative reporting that just can’t wait. 

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We believe that nonprofit newsrooms play a central role in engaging communities on the issues that matter most. And your support makes what we do each day at City Limits possible. Will you support journalism that matters?

With gratitude,

Jarrett Murphy
Executive Editor
City Limits

P.S. The next twenty-five new or renewing members to give $100 or above will receive this exclusive limited edition Sue Coe print, hand-signed and numbered. The print, titled Enemy of the People, explores the theme of First Amendment rights in today’s political climate. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity!

WeWork Harlem • 8 W 126th Street, 3rd Floor • New York, NY 10027

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