Hey, John - It's Amanda!
I'll keep this quick; I'm sure you're busy.
This weekend, something occurred to me: Governor DeSantis has done a great job at making Florida the greatest state in our Nation, but that will all be for not if Joe Biden destroys our country.
DeSantis is the future of our party and the future of our Nation. Floridian conservatives need to elect pro-DeSantis Republicans like me to the House so that we can spread Florida's greatness across the Nation. At the same time, we block the anti-American progressive agenda of the Left.
My seat is the key to taking back the House Majority and securing the DeSantis legacy, but I need your financial support to do that.
Before we let a RINO or a Democrat take this seat, can you help by making a critical donation of any amount to my campaign before midnight TONIGHT?
DONATE HERE: www.secure.winred.com/amanda-makki-for-congress/july-eom
Thank you for your support and commitment,
Amanda Makki Conservative Republican for Congress
P.S. Our get out the vote effort is going strong- but we could use your financial support to keep it going. Can you contribute to our Get Out The Vote fund? Here is a link to donate: www.AmandaMakki.com/donate/gotvfund
 | Amanda Makki is an America First candidate for Congress in Florida's 13th District. A legal immigrant, attorney, and conservative national commentator, Amanda is a strong conservative with a proven record of fighting for the values and principles that made America the greatest country in the world! To support Amanda's campaign chip in $5 or more today! |