25 years after Defenders helped bring back wolves to Yellowstone.

A Milestone for Wolves

Dear Defender of Wildlife,

25 years ago, we were there when the dream of wolf recovery started to become a reality.

The outlook for wolves was grim. After decades of being mercilessly hunted to the brink of extinction, wolves had almost completely disappeared across the lower 48 states.

We had a vision: To bring back wolves to their historic habitat, for wolf packs to once again run wild across the Rocky Mountains.

That great work began in January of 1995, when 14 gray wolves were brought to Yellowstone National Park.

Since that morning, wolf recovery has seen some dramatic highs and some heartbreaking lows, and the fight to repair decades of brutality and misinformation is far from over.

But now, 25 years after Defenders helped bring back wolves to Yellowstone, we're sharing the story of how it all happened – and what the future holds for wolves.

And don't forget to join us next month as we honor 25 years of fighting for wolves since their groundbreaking reintroduction in Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies!

Thanks for all you do for the wildlife you love.


Jamie Rappaport Clark

Jamie Rappaport Clark
President, Defenders of Wildlife

P.S.: If wolf recovery means as much to you as it does to us, don't forget to share this blog post with your friends and family, and let everyone know that you care about protecting the future of wolves!