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Join us for a conversation with key financial regulators on proposed Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) reform. We will dig into the potential areas for reform, and how these could impact your communities.

This critical conversation will be taking place just days before the deadline for the CRA comment period. For more information and sample comment letters, visit our #TreasureCRA page.

NCRC President and CEO Jesse Van Told will provide opening remarks, followed by a panel discussion.


  • Eric Belsky, Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  • Grovetta Gardineer, Senior Deputy Comptroller for Bank Supervision Policy, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
  • Irvin Henderson, Vice Chairperson of the Board, NCRC
  • Mark Pearce, Director, Division of Depositor and Consumer Protection, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Jesse Van Tol, Chief Executive Officer, NCRC
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Hope to "see" you there!

NCRC’s Field Empowerment Fund For Nonprofits And CDFIs Opens Final Round Of Grant Applications
NCRC opened applications for the final round of its Field Empowerment Fund (FEF), a $5 million grantmaking program funded by Morgan Stanley to drive racial equity work. [For more info]
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