
July 26, 2022

Selling out on Marriage Will Haunt the GOP
by Suzanne Bowdey
Never underestimate the Republican Party's ability to self-destruct. That's the one thing years of cultural battles have taught everyone. Heading into November with the elections on a silver platter, the men and women who rebranded themselves as the "anti-woke" have suddenly gone soft on an issue that should be a political no-brainer: marriage. After seven years of letting the court take the heat for redefining history's oldest institution, a surprising number of Republicans are making a fatal mistake - believing they can win back Congress by sounding just as radical as the party set to lose it.
In the Marriage Debate, Let's Make Sure We Define 'Love' the Same Way God Does
by Joseph Backholm
Unfortunately, a lot of people who should know better seem to be struggling with how to respond to Congress's marriage debate. Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) criticized the Obergefell decision in 2015 but told reporters that she was "keeping a very open mind" about the issue because she has a "good number of very close friends that are same-sex married." The implication is that it would be unloving not to support same-sex marriage - and there are plenty of people who would agree with her.
As Midterms Heat up, Dems Try to Solve their 'Parents' Problem
Persuading (or rather, mollifying) parents remains a major issue for Democrats. Fully half of likely voters believed education is too politicized, according to a May poll commissioned by the American Federation of Teachers in seven battleground states. They were also dissatisfied with "the amount of say that parents have in what their children are taught" (50%), "the way schools have handled the COVID-19 pandemic" (42%), "the way students are taught about racial issues" (60%), and "the way students are taught about issues related to sexual preference and gender identity" (58%).
Is the Negative View of Adoption among Mothers of Unplanned Babies 'Unlikely to Change'?
by Dan Hart
Monkeypox's Inconvenient Truth
by Ben Johnson
Unshakable Faith: What We Can Learn from the Persecuted
by Tony Perkins
Executions of Four Democracy Activists Intensifies Fight for Freedom in Myanmar
by Deborah Laker


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