John, I can’t believe we’re already in the last weeks of 2019! As I reflect on the year, I am blown away by the incredible strength and resilience I witnessed this year from communities and allies to rise up against the continued assault on immigrants and asylum seekers.

Today as we celebrate International Human Rights Day, I want to thank you for all you’ve done this year to stand up with your immigrant neighbors and protect the rights of new and aspiring Americans.

At the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), we published a blog post reflecting on the impressive ways you have made a difference this past year, which you can read at: 

Here’s a quick summary of some of the ways that we protected the human rights of immigrant families and asylum seekers together this year:

  1. Sought justice for separated families
  2. Served more immigrants than ever before (and expanded to new cities!)
  3. Represented and freed transgender asylum seekers from jail
  4. Fought the criminalization of immigrants
  5. Provided free legal aid to thousands of Chicagoans
  6. Prevented indefinite family detention
  7. Successfully challenged abusive policies in the federal courts
  8. Passed Illinois laws protecting immigrants and children
  9. Shifted the narrative in favor of humane alternatives to detention

You can read more about these victories and the impact they have had on immigrant families on NIJC’s blog at:

During this time of profound divisiveness in our country, you’ve shown what we can accomplish when we work together. Know that your generous support and advocacy helps sustain NIJC.

On behalf of the NIJC team and clients, thank you for defending human rights. We wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season.

-Mary Meg McCarthy
Executive Director, National Immigrant Justice Center


224 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600  |  Chicago, Illinois  60604
