
I wanted to make sure you saw this! Please dial in tonight to join President Trump and Joe Kent for a live telerally at 5 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern. Dial in at 360-972-3918.

You can help us offset the cost of this rally with a donation at https://JoeKentforCongress.com/Donate

See you there. 

Ozzie Gonzalez
Campaign Manager
Joe Kent for Congress


From: Joe Kent <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2022 11:28 PM
Subject: Join President Trump and me tomorrow night!

Dear Supporter, 

Tomorrow, Monday night, I invite you to join President Trump and me for a telephone rally at 8 PM Eastern, 5 PM Pacific. Dial in at 360-972-3918. I've attached a graphic that you can share on social media to encourage others to attend as well. 

I'm honored to be endorsed by President Trump. That's one of the reasons I'm facing an onslaught of attacks from dark money groups - over $2 million has been spent against me in the final weeks. 

The last thing the DC establishment wants is to replace their favorite RINO, Jaime Herrera Beutler, with an America First fighter who will oppose amnesty, open borders, vaccine mandates, and foreign military adventures that cost us precious American lives.

Please help me overcome them with a contribution today at https://JoeKentforCongress.com/donate

We need this funding to pay for texting and digital ads to reach the still-undecided voters. Anything helps. 


Joe Kent

PS - Dial into the telerally with me and President Trump on Monday night at 8 Eastern / 5 Pacific at 360.972.3918 and please make a donation to help us get across the finish line at https://JoeKentforCongress.com/donate






