Dear Friends,

Last year, parents and guardians of Identity youth worked tirelessly to learn how to be more deeply involved in their children’s education, and raised their voices for systemic change for all black and brown children in Montgomery County.  

Will you consider supporting Identity youth by donating to programs that strengthen their ultimate support system – the family?
See how our Parent Leadership Academy works to give parents voice in their children’s education, despite barriers of language or their own lack of formal education in this recent video.
Support Identity Families
Last year, Identity ran 183 hours of parent education and engagement workshops, attended by 1046 parents, and 45 parents participated in Identity’s Parent Leadership Academy. We can continue this important work toward equity with your support. You can donate online through our secure donor page with a one time or recurring gift, or mail a check to Identity at 414 East Diamond Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.  We can also accept stock or other financial transfers. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

All of us at Identity wish you a meaningful holiday season, with reminders of your blessings large and small. We are thankful for your investment in the future.

Un fuerte abrazo,
Diego Uriburu
Executive Director
Support Identity Families
EVERY contribution counts, no matter the amount, and we are thrilled to have a donor who will match YEAR END donations dollar for dollar.
United Way No. 9642
CFC No. 55422
DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN SUPPORT IDENTITY WHILE YOU SHOP? If you designate Identity (in Gaithersburg) as your charity of choice when you buy through, Identity receives a small portion of the proceeds of each purchase.
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414 East Diamond Avenue
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877

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