From Frank (iPhone) <[email protected]>
Subject one last request
Date July 25, 2022 7:48 PM
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My team is telling me that we’ve nearly closed the fundraising gap and that we’re getting ready to shut down the link to our Emergency First District Defense Fund . We’re not quite there yet, but they told me with enough donations tonight, we’ll be able to supercharge this campaign and our outreach efforts.

So I’ll make this one quick: can I count on you to help us close the last gap to our goal, John, and get us over the finish line to $15K?

If I can, here’s a personal link that you can donate to right now (and make sure you do it ASAP: the fundraiser will close soon!) → [link removed] [[link removed]] ankMrvanPersonal [[link removed]]

Thanks for being on our team and for all of your support, John.

Sent from my iPhone
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