Jul 25, 2022
Maybe you’re talking with your spouse. Or friend. Or brother. Or colleague. Whoever it is, you know that no matter how carefully you say something, the words won’t get through. They’re just so damn defensive. You want to scream, “It’s not a personal attack!” or “I’m just trying to have a conversation!” Mostly, you want to ask, “Can you just stop being so defensive?” Here’s the thing: No, they probably can’t. It’s right there in the word. They’re defending. It implies there’s a threat. It could be you, but just as likely your words are triggering something deep-seated. So, what can you do when talking to someone who always gets defensive? Turn up your empathy and turn down your assumptions.
The Secret to Talking to Someone Who Always Gets Defensive
It can be an extremely frustrating experience. But there are ways to sidestep someone's personal fortifications.
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Two Clear Signs You’re Being Defensive
Labeling happens when a person tries to state their position and you simply reduce their behavior to labels, saying something along the lines of “You’re just being mean” or “Stop being unreasonable.” It’s also common for defensive people to assign labels to themselves as a way of deflecting. These labels, which distract from the issue at hand, can sound like “Well, I guess I’m just a lousy partner and everything is my fault.”
How to Avoid It: “How can you label when you don’t have clear evidence?” says Phillips. “Try breathing and remove it from your thoughts. Close your eyes and think of the labels as words on a chalkboard and erase them.”
Doubling Down When You’re Wrong
So, you had an argument and realized your stance was incorrect. Regardless, you continue to argue your point, thus completely defeating the purpose of the discussion and fueling further disagreement. “I see this a lot in my divorce coaching practice,” says DuBois. “You ‘double down’ even if your perspective is patently false.”
How to Avoid It: No one likes to be wrong, and no one likes to be proven wrong. But, if your partner presents clear evidence as to why your position is incorrect, it will go a long way if you just own it and move on.
further reading
7 Big Signs You’re Being Defensive
How To Let Go Of Resentment Once And For All
9 Phrases That Make You Sound Like a Passive-Aggressive Jerk
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