Hello friends of the Democratic party!
I hope you have all had the chance to watch some or all of the Select Committee hearings. It is amazing to me to see the depths of depravity that Trump and his Republican colleagues have sunk - and then there is the Supreme Court. Youch. It's been a tough year so far. Just so you know, we are not sitting on our hands - our DEC strategic commitment to the Florida Democratic Party is to continue to fight to reduce the Republican plurality in our county and get local Democrats elected. So that's been our focus leading up to this upcoming general election which is only about 100 days away and I'm asking for your help.
I'm writing to you today since you are part of our standard weekly newsletter list, and we know that you are one of our stalwart supporters.
Our goal is akin to an old Pennsylvania Dutch proverb that says, "Many Hands Make Light Work". In our case we are hoping that many small donations will amount to a significant total - which will allow us to keep the lights on and cover our fixed expenses. An amount of only $5 or $10 a month from everyone on our list will cover our nut (but even $2-3 helps out), so I'm asking you to consider signing up on a monthly recurring basis. If that doesn't fit into your lifestyle, please consider a one-time 2022 donation at whatever level with which you feel comfortable. You can make your by clicking on the links below.
I know a number of you have already stepped up to the plate, so THANK YOU for that. We appreciate knowing you folks have our back, so thanks again.
Bill Evans
Chair, Democratic Executive Committee, IRC
PS: Don't forget to sign up for Vote-By-Mail and return your ballot soon.