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It has emerged that friends and relatives will be able to override presumed or express consent of Jews who opted in to organ donation after a new law takes
effect in the spring.
Maddy Power and Katie Pybus say a failure to discuss the religious identity of Trussell Trust food banks and the religious affiliation of clients disregards
a key element of food banking in the UK.
Canada's Federal Court of Appeal has dismissed the case of an atheist organisation seeking the same status (and tax breaks) churches receive as charitable
Israel's health ministry will reportedly investigate four psychiatrists after a television report said they had prescribed drugs to ultra-Orthodox students,
including minors, to inhibit their sexual desires.
Six months since Christian Asia Bibi fled Pakistan, after being imprisoned for 10 years on blasphemy charges, reports highlight the plight of others accused
of blasphemy in the country.
The General Medical Council has decided not to pursue a case against a GP who was accused of pushing religion on a vulnerable patient. Stephen Evans warns
against allowing this exploitative behaviour.
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