john --

Today I launched my petition urging the Government to bring forward the construction of a second Mt Vic tunnel as part of a sensible, balanced plan to get Wellington moving.

The traffic chokepoint at the Basin Reserve needs a sensible solution now rather than more years of uncertainty, and I need your help in making that happen.


Three things you can do to help

1) The first thing you can do to help ensure that Wellington doesn't face another decade of delay on transport is by signing my petition below:

2) Once you have signed, it would be amazing if you can help by spreading the word. You could either forward this email onto friends and family you think may be interested, or you could share my facebook post by clicking below:

3) Finally, I have a bunch of signs I would love to put on some fences. So if you have a fence available, and wouldn't mind a small sign on it for a few weeks, let me know by clicking below and one of my team will pop around and attach it:


Wellington can’t afford another decade of delay on transport. I appreciate all the help you can provide in making sure Wellingtonians get the transport package they deserve.


Kind Regards,

Nicola Willis MP

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