July 25, 2022
Dear John xxxxxx,
I hope everyone across North Texas is having a fun and relaxing summer. Here’s a brief update about what I have been working on both in Washington, D.C., and back in North Texas.
Washington, D.C. Update: Fighting to Protect our Freedoms
The Republican-led Supreme Court is doing all that it can to take Texans back to a dark and dangerous time. Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June, Republicans in Texas and beyond are actively using the Supreme Court’s disastrous decision as a basis to take other freedoms away. That is why I joined my colleagues in passing legislation that helps preserve freedom and liberty for all in the last few weeks. Below is a full graphic highlighting what the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed:
I promise to keep you all updated on the rest of the legislation we will be advancing to protect rights and better the lives of Texans.
North Texas Community Update
I have been very busy when I am back in Texas traveling across our 33rd district. Here is quick update on what I have been up to:
I had the opportunity to join the Greater Dallas Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce to celebrate the 2022 Chinese New Year! Wishing everyone in North Texas a happy and successful new year!
Rep. Veasey addresses the Greater Dallas Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce.
I visited the Southside Community Garden in Fort Worth to meet with local community leaders who share a commitment to growing vegetables, learning sustainability, and promoting justice through food. Congrats to this group for all they are doing in North Texas!
Rep. Veasey visits the Southside Community Garden.
On this year’s Chronic Disease Day, I was honored to receive the Len Rodgers Spirit Award from Good Days for my work advocating for access to care for those suffering from a chronic disease every day.
The Len Rodgers Spirit Award.
Looking forward to being back in the district soon!
Need Resources? My Office is Here to Help!
I have an important reminder! If you need help getting answers from a federal agency, my office can help to advocate on your behalf and cut through bureaucratic red tape to assist you.
Here is a quick refresher on what federal issues we can help you with:
- Social Security
- Medicare
- Veterans Affairs
- Passports
- Federal Student Aid
- Small Business Administration
- Any federal agency
Also, please make sure to follow me on social media!
Follow me on Facebook.
Follow me on Twitter.
Follow me on Instagram.
Upcoming Events
August is just around the corner and I wanted to notify you of these upcoming events that my office is holding!
Back to School Telephone Town Hall
Tuesday, August 2nd at 5:30 PM CT The English Inbound Participant Line for this event is 888-400-1932* The Spanish Inbound Participant Line for this event is 888-400-9342* Click here to register.
Fort Worth Town Hall
Wednesday, August 10th 6PM – 8PM CT Tarrant County College – South Campus SSTU Building (Cafeteria) 5301 Campus Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76119 Visit here for more information.
Dallas Town Hall
Thursday, August 18th 6PM – 8PM CT West Dallas Multipurpose Center 2828 Fish Trap Road, Dallas, TX 75212 Visit here for more information.
Serving you all will always will be my number one priority. If I can be of any assistance, please contact my District Offices in Dallas at (214) 741-1387 or Fort Worth at (817) 920-9086.
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