Dear John,
We are excited to announce that our Plastic Free July donation match has been extended till July 31, so donate now to double your gift.
Your gift is crucial to help us educate, activate, inspire, and move our community towards systemic solutions to the planetary plastic
pollution crisis! This Plastic Free July, we are taking action by organizing events, collaborating on campaigns, and supporting and amplifying meaningful solutions, such as refill & reuse systems, plastic-free businesses, and common sense practical legislation.
Your gift will be matched by The Giving List and Coyuchi, a sustainable textile company. They have offered a $2,500 match for donations in recognition of our
work to challenge the plastic pollution crisis.
Thank you for making an impact this Plastic Free July by making a donation to support this critical work to mobilize individuals, organizations and businesses to support and amplify meaningful solutions to the planetary plastic pollution crisis.
Onwards with gratitude, 
Julia Cohen, MPH Co-Founder & Managing Director Plastic Pollution Coalition
P.S. Your Plastic Free July gift will be DOUBLED thanks to a match provided by generous donors. Donate now and DOUBLE your impact.