Friends, it’s hard to believe just how fast this year is flying by. It’s now the middle of summer, and this year’s disastrous Supreme Court term is behind us, leaving destruction and suffering in its wake. Now we’re left to pick up the pieces.

Friends, it’s hard to believe just how fast this year is flying by. It’s now the middle of summer, and this year’s disastrous Supreme Court term is behind us, leaving destruction and suffering in its wake. Now we’re left to pick up the pieces. 


We’re already feeling the devastating consequences of the right-wing Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade as pregnant people are denied access to essential care. This summer’s recent heat waves paint a frightening picture of our new post-WV v. EPA reality where our government’s ability to fight the climate crisis and curb harmful emissions is limited. And as new national tragedies continue to make headlines, the right-wing Court’s decision to allow more guns in public spaces feels more heinous every day.


That’s why it’s urgent that we don’t slow down. The Justices may be on vacation, but we certainly aren’t. So last week we went to Congress, joining nine congressional champions and a coalition of allied progressive groups to renew our calls to expand the Supreme Court and save our democracy.


If we want to protect our rights and futures we have to expand the Court. And we’re not giving up the fight until we get it done.


Court Chatter

In a matter of weeks, the Supreme Court undermined, gutted, and outright reversed some of the most significant advancements of the 20th Century meant to protect Americans’ rights and freedoms.


Read our report for a full breakdown of some of this term’s most harmful rulings and their consequences.


If one thing is clear after this term filled with assaults on our rights and freedoms, it’s that the stolen Court’s extreme right-wing justices are getting exactly what they want: a society where they rule over us and determine our futures, democracy be damned.

 But we live in a democracy — we have the power. And we can use it to expand the Court and save our rights, our judiciary, and our democracy.


The Supreme Court Took the Most Extreme Course Possible

“If people want to regain their untimely ripped rights, they will have to expand the Supreme Court. There is no other solution. To do that, yes, Democrats need to be in control of the White House and both houses of Congress (as they are now). But those Democrats will also have to be willing to do what is necessary to reform the court and diminish the power of the conservative justices.”


Democrats Must Reform the Supreme Court to Save It

“At the moment, the five most right-wing justices are behaving hardly any differently than if the Court were controlled by five Ted Cruzes. The legal wing of the conservative movement is intoxicated with power and heedless of John Roberts’s cautions against exercising that power recklessly.


Legal elites worry that implementing even modest reforms will blow up the veneer of nonpartisanship that the Court’s power requires. They should be more concerned the Court’s majority is doing this itself.”


On the Docket… in Congress:

The Supreme Court’s radical attacks on our fundamental rights and foundational principles of American democracy demand bold action. So we joined congressional leaders and progressive allies at the Capitol to call for Congress to pass the Judiciary Act and add four seats to the Court.

With us that day were Senator Ed Markey and Representatives Hank Johnson, Mondaire Jones, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jan Schakowsky, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Mark Takano, Rashida Tlaib, and Andy Levin — some of the leaders who have been working tirelessly to garner support for Supreme Court expansion in Washington and deliver on it for all of us.

Catch up on the full event on YouTube, Twitter or Facebook, and see some highlights in this week’s headlines:


If you enjoyed this edition of Full Court Press, I hope you’ll consider chipping in to support our work to expand the Supreme Court to put power back where it belongs – with the people.