Confucius Institutes 2.0: Chinese Government Money Speaks Loudly
by Peter Schweizer • July 25, 2022 at 5:00 am
A new, detailed, and thorough report by the National Association of Scholars confirms that not a single one of these [Confucius] "institutes" disappeared; they were just re-branded under a "sister university" arrangement with universities in China, given a different name, or moved to a different sponsor school. And the money continues to flow.
Jamie P. Horsley, senior fellow of the Tsai Center and its former executive director, defends the purpose of Confucius Institutes on American campuses. He argues that they are needed to teach students Mandarin, a language increasingly necessary for business success. She has also written articles minimizing the effects of China's social credit system and supporting its Belt And Road Initiative.
This is exactly what many Americans fear about placing Chinese government funded institutes, whatever they are called, on American campuses. It is what led the US State Department to classify them as diplomatic missions.
Peterson asked the Chinese director [of a Confucius Institute at an American university] how she would respond if a student asked her about Tiananmen Square. The director answered that she "would show a photograph [of it] and point out the beautiful architecture. That's the most important thing about that square."

In the book Red Handed, we meet a remarkable young man named Nathan Law, the Chinese-born, Hong Kong-raised leader of a pro-democracy effort called the "Umbrella Movement," which protested Beijing's crackdowns on freedom in Hong Kong. His efforts were brutally crushed by the Chinese government and Nathan Law went to prison for eight months. TIME Magazine named him one of "the 100 Most Influential People of 2020."
Once freed from Chinese prison, he decided to attend graduate school at Yale University, an institution whose history of educating Chinese students goes back to 1850, when the first Chinese student to graduate from an American university took his degree from there.