
Have you forgotten about the invasion of swamp rats in the Valley?

Of course not, these 40-pound, nacho cheese-toothed nutria can never be forgotten.

Swamp Rat

These invasive rodents can breed up to 600 offspring a year and a few years ago scientists predicted they were on track to destroy the Central Valley. It was a huge problem for our farmers and water infrastructure. So I led the charge to get this invasion under control.

I wrote a bill, brought Nellie the nutria to Congress to lobby my colleagues, and our bill was signed into law!

Josh Harder testifying with Nellie the nutria

Now, here’s the big update. Look what’s happened since:

The Sacramento Bee: "California is feeling optimistic about winning the war on giant, destructive swamp rodents"

We did it! There aren’t many things for us to celebrate these days, but I’ll take a win when I can get one…

I promise you I’ll never back down from getting results for our community - whether it’s taking on swamp rats in the Valley or in Washington D.C.

Consider this a warning to any other swamp creatures coming for the Valley!

- Josh


P.S. I can’t keep taking on the swamp rats without your help. Will you please chip in to my re-election so I can clean up the swamp in Washington and continue scoring big wins for the Central Valley in Congress?

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Republicans spent MILLIONS attacking Josh, now he is in DANGER! Josh "might be the most vulnerable Democrat on the map." - Dave Wasserman, Cook Political Report. Donate now to protect California's most vulnerable Democrat.

Josh is running for re-election to deliver for working families whose voices are too often ignored in DC. Will you help him keep up the fight in Congress by making a contribution today?

Harder for Congress
PO Box 4426
Modesto CA 95352 United States

Paid For By Harder for Congress
