John, voters will face unprecedented obstacles to vote this year. I need your help to fight back.
Since we launched our Protect the Vote 2022 campaign — our urgent response to GOP-led voter suppression laws and anti-democracy disinformation — I’ve heard from thousands of Common Cause members asking what they can do to help.
And I’m inspired to see how many committed Americans are willing to fight back against a worrying — and rising — tide of far-right authoritarianism.
Now, we need to ramp up our volunteer training infrastructure — beyond even the scale of our historic mobilization in 2020. We simply haven’t ever seen this many people volunteer this early in the election cycle and I want to make sure we find a place for each and every one of them.
But here’s the problem: Training volunteers across many states, each with a different set of election rules, is a hugely complex undertaking. Then, as voting laws change, our work must also change — all while our team remains hyper-vigilant to oppose any last minute efforts to suppress voters.
All together, our volunteer team has told me that each additional volunteer we field costs us $50 — between training, placement, infrastructure, and support during primaries, early voting, and Election Day.
And even though this is a midterm and not a presidential election, I’m growing increasingly convinced that we’ll need more volunteers than ever before to contend with the unprecedented threats voters will face this year.
For example, in the Texas primary earlier this year, voters had to grapple with the state’s newly-passed voter suppression law and saw tens of thousands of ballots rejected during the primary. [1]
Think about what that means: thousands of Texans who tried their best to do their civic duty and have a voice in their government were told that their voice didn’t matter.
Election officials and voting advocates had to work around the clock to address the problem — and thanks to their tireless efforts, there were far fewer ballot rejections in Texas’s May runoffs.
But this won’t be the only ill-conceived change that partisan politicians will drop on voters at the last minute, because the far-right noise machine fueling these false claims shows no signs of stopping.
And unfortunately, that is precisely the goal for the extremist politicians behind laws like Texas’s — stoke fear and division by pointing to conspiracy theories, then act on them by taking away voters’ real rights, all in a shameful effort to validate Trump’s Big Lie about the 2020 election.
Our volunteers spent the weeks before Primary Election Day reaching out to thousands of voters, making sure they knew how to comply with new, needlessly strict, and confusing ID requirements.
And as the runoffs showed, we can counter these voter suppression laws working alongside election officials to educate voters — but it’ll require us to go wider and stronger than ever.
Cutbacks to mail-in voting also force more people to vote in person, which runs the risk of overwhelming polling places. In that chaotic situation, one of our Protect The Vote volunteers is often the difference-maker between someone casting a ballot which counts, or going home in frustration.
John, we’ve all seen the long lines, machine breakdowns, and even direct attempts at intimidating voters. But, I want you to know that our Protect the Vote 2022 volunteers make a huge difference for voters as they face down these challenges in order to fulfill their civic duty.
That’s why I’m so glad new volunteers are signing up by the day. Now, it’s time for you and I to match their dedication and make sure they get the training, equipment, and support they need.
Remember, just $50 will allow us to place one additional volunteer this year — through primaries, early voting, and Election Day. It’s one of the smartest investments you can make in defense of our democracy this year — and by doing so early, your action will go even further.
Our democracy is on the line – can I count on you? Please act now to sponsor a volunteer today and help protect voters across the country >>
John, every day I am impressed and touched by how many ordinary folks like you and me are coming forward to recommit to our democracy — and donate their time and effort to protect their fellow voters.
I hope you will join me and sponsor a volunteer today to ensure that their efforts do not go to waste.
Thank you,
Sylvia Albert, Director of Voting and Elections
and the team at Common Cause