From Sarah Locke <[email protected]>
Subject Activate your membership>>
Date July 23, 2022 2:50 PM
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  Links have been removed from this email. Learn more in the FAQ.
Hi John,

It’s Sarah, the Executive Director of Connecticut Democrats. I wanted to reach out personally to ensure that you received and read the latest message from CT Dems.

The primary Election Day here in Connecticut is now fewer than three weeks away. At a time when our democracy is facing attack after attack from GOP lawmakers, we have to work together to ensure every voter can access the polls.

This is where you come in.

By activating your CT Dems 2022 digital membership, you’re supporting our voter outreach efforts and making sure every voter has access to the ballot. If you can, donate $10 now to activate your membership, then keep scrolling to read yesterday’s message. [[link removed]]

Connecticut Democrats’ Original Message:John —

With the primary Election Day fewer than three weeks away, CT Dems is seeking to gain as many digital members as possible before August 9th .

When you activate your 2022 CT Dems digital membership, you’re supporting our outreach efforts and helping us mobilize voters throughout our state. Rush a donation of $10 today to join our team! [[link removed]]

ACTIVATE NOW [[link removed]]

The right to reproductive healthcare, ending gun violence, protecting our democracy, and so much more is on the line. By turning out a record number of Democrats in the primary, we’ll be setting the tone for a wave of blue victories in the November election!

In a time when the GOP is working tirelessly to suppress the voices and votes of already marginalized communities, CT Dems is working to get as many voters to the polls as possible this August. Voting is the cornerstone of our Democracy, and it is our goal that your vote is heard and counted.

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There is no better time to become a member of CT Dems than right now as we head into a critical primary election. We have the opportunity to show up and prove that there is strength in numbers!

We need your help to expand our GOTV efforts, recruit organizers, and dispatch volunteers across Connecticut! Help us support Democrats by activating your 2022 digital membership: [[link removed]]

ACTIVATE NOW [[link removed]]

Change comes from tireless organizing work from Democrats in Connecticut and across the country, all powered by grassroots supporters like you.

— Connecticut Democrats
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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