What we’re facing by 2050:

Roy Cooper for North Carolina

Flooded cities. Massive storms. Unlivable heatwaves. Droughts that cause crops to fail.

If we continue on our present course, this is what we’re heading toward, John — and not in some far-off future. These are events we can expect by 2050, just over a quarter century from now.

Combating the climate crisis is among Roy’s top priorities as governor, and he wants to know if it’s a goal you share. Do you want our government to immediately act to protect our planet?


Climate change and warming temperatures will make our planet uninhabitable for future generations if we refuse to act. We’re already seeing the devastating impacts: raging wildfires and deadly heat waves in parts of the world that aren’t used to them.

Think about where you or your family — your children and grandchildren — might be in 2050. You probably want them to have the best possible future. And our elected leaders should too.

Roy is working hard to create a greener North Carolina, but it’s not enough. Our federal government (not to mention the governments of every other country in the world) must do more to stop climate change.

Please let Roy know if you agree: Do you believe our government should take decisive action to protect our planet?


Thanks for sharing your input,

Team Cooper



Send donations via check to:
Cooper for North Carolina
PO Box 1190
Raleigh, NC 27602
Thank you!