5 things to know about the Korean War: On July 27, 1953, an armistice was signed to end three years of fighting on the Korean peninsula. But the United States and North Korea never signed a peace treaty to officially end the Korean War. Nearly 70 years later, this open wound is a root cause of conflict that exists today, writes AFSC’s Jennifer Deibert.
Tell Congress: It’s time to formally end the Korean War: A peace agreement with North Korea is a crucial step toward nuclear disarmament. It would also help reunite thousands of families who have been separated for decades. Join us in calling for peace and humanitarian cooperation today!
Reflecting on the tapestry of “we”: Grace Kindeke is an artist-activist and the AFSC New Hampshire program coordinator. She emigrated from the Democratic Republic of Congo when she was a child. In this interview, she talks about cultural identity, racism, and building collectiveness within the Black diaspora. (Manchester Ink Link)
Register for our webinar: End the Selective Service for All (July 27, 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT): Last year, Congress nearly expanded the military draft registration requirement to women. This year, some senators are trying again. Sign up for our webinar to learn more about what’s happening and how you can take action toward ending the draft instead of expanding it. We’ll be joined by speakers from the Center on Conscience and War, Resisters.Info, and Women’s Action for New Directions.
Have you screened your investments for human rights violations?: Your investments may be funding companies involved in mass incarceration, immigrant detention and surveillance, military occupation, or the border industry. Knowing what you own is the first step to aligning your investments with your values. Visit our Investigate site to screen your investments today.