Dear Jack,
We really appreciate your ongoing support for Reform UK,
at this extraordinary time.
As the Tories tear themselves apart on who is their next
leader and our next Prime Minister, they are not making vital
decisions on the cost of living crisis, the energy crisis and much
more. The country needs them to resolve this much faster than
September 5th; the fact that they think this is acceptable shows how
out of touch they are.
Meanwhile, we put forward our Emergency
Recovery Budget some weeks ago to deal with the cost of living
crisis, cutting taxes on items that would reduce inflation, creating
growth and providing relief to millions. It was fully costed. If we
can do it, why are the Tories or Labour unable?
We are also progressing our planning for a general
election and now have over 200 candidates allocated to constituencies.
We are absolutely resolute that we will stand some 600 candidates. In
so doing, we significantly increase the prospect of Proportional
Representation within a year of the next election. This would be a
game changer for us and for democracy in the UK.
So please do put yourselves forward to stand
as a candidate if you possibly can, it really is a vital period
for our country.
We will soon be announcing our party conference details
in the Autumn, when we hope to see as many of you as possible.
Thank you again for your help.
With thanks,
Richard Tice Reform
UK Leader