Save the date: No US nukes at Lakenheath protest, Saturday September 17th

It's been over three months since we first heard that US nuclear weapons have either returned, or are on their way back to Britain after 14 years - after it was announced that the nuclear weapons storage sites at Lakenheath airbase in Suffolk were earmarked for a multi-million pound upgrade.

Following on from our national demonstration at the airbase in May, CND and supporters are returning to Lakenheath for another protest this September! We are demanding that the UK Government rejects any such request by Washington to host these weapons.
Information on speakers and transport options to and from the base will be released in due course. In the mean time, put the date in your diary and contact your local CND group so we can make this demo even bigger than the last! For any initial queries, please email [email protected]

More information on our Lakenheath campaign and how you can help can be found on our website here.
Stop the Arms Fair network
CND works closely with the Stop the Arms Fair network, and now the alliance is broadening to include individuals who want to oppose the trading in death and destruction. Would you like to get more involved in opposing arms fairs across the UK? Contact [email protected] to get started. A kick-off meeting is planned for September.
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