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Weekend Edition, July 23-24, 2022


Farewell to the United States; Welcome to the New World Order!

Alireza Hojjati

Is the WEF Going To Turn Space Into a Penal Colony?

Southern Catholic Mom

Forgive This

Tim Hartnett

Russian Oil and Gas

Patrick Foy

Who Are Our Rulers? Whom Do They Serve?

The American Conservative

The Legal Positivism of the Pro-Life Movement

Lilliana Johnson

How Our Elected Prevaricators Sidestepped the Constitution and Turned the American Dream into the American Nightmare

L. Reichard White

The SSRI Connection To Suicides, Spontaneous Murder and Mass Shootings.

Mark Reynolds

CDC Job Posting Reveals They Lied, the Vaccines Are Unsafe, and Pfizer Lied Too!

Steve Kirsch

Where In The World?

The Good Citizen

TrialSite News Truthbombs Pfizer and Moderna

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Where’s the Beef? Ask Bill Gates

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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