Video of Trump's antisemitism from

Dear Friend,
This Saturday, Trump laid his antisemitism out in the open.
“A lot of you are in the real estate business ... You’re brutal
killers. You’re not nice people at all, but you have to vote
for me. You have no choice,” Trump said to the Israeli
American Council.
These words, said by the President of the United States, are scary
and dangerous. His words have incited violence, questioned our
loyalty, and spread lies. Trump endangers Jews.
But we have a choice: We can remove Trump from office in 2020.
2020, Bend the Arc is organizing a Jewish movement to defeat Trump.
Donate here to fund this movement.
In 2020, your donation will fund:
- Our close work with the coalition to impeach Trump
- Mobilizing Jewish volunteers in the leadup to the election
- Combating antisemitism and white nationalism to keep safe all
communities under attack
Trump continued: “You’re not going to vote for Pocahontas [a racist
slur Trump uses for Elizabeth Warren], I can tell you that. You’re not
going to vote for the wealth tax!”
Trump is invoking stereotypes about Jews and money that fuel the
white nationalist movement — Jews as monied elite and secret
puppeteers. These are the same stereotypes that have incited far-right
violence, from Pittsburgh to Poway to El Paso.
This President and the white nationalist movement endanger
Jews, Native people, women, immigrants, people of color, and so many
It’s why Bend the Arc’s mission in 2020 is to remove Trump
from office, protect our communities from another year of attacks, and
build the multiracial democracy of our dreams.
today to build our resources for defeating Trump in
Bend the Arc is one of the only Jewish organizations that can go
directly after Trump — and we’re not holding back. We led the Jewish
resistance to Trump beginning in 2015 and you’ve helped grow this
movement every year since. Where national Jewish institutions are
silent, we will keep speaking out.
Together, we will keep organizing and we will keep giving Jews and
allies opportunities to fight for a country where we’re all safe.
In solidarity,
Stosh Cotler CEO