Protecting a woman's personal liberty is fundamental to her freedom to participate in our society.

After the far-right Supreme Court majority overturned Roe v. Wade, extremists in states across the country unleashed a wave of abortion bans, many with no exceptions for cases of rape or incest.

That’s why Michael is working to pass the Freedom to Travel for Health Care Act, which would protect the right of individuals to cross state lines for reproductive health care purposes, and shield health care providers in safe-havens like Colorado from prosecution.

Anti-choice Republicans in the Senate blocked this critical legislation, but Michael isn’t afraid of a fight. He’s re-strategizing how to protect Colorado and other pro-choice states as a safe havens for women and those seeking reproductive health care, and your support will help him in the Senate.

So, will you endorse Michael’s Freedom to Travel for Health Care Act today?


A woman’s right to make critical health care and reproductive care decisions shouldn’t depend on her ZIP code.

Thank you for your support,

Team Bennet